Smart Bread Machine Recipes: Healthy, Whole Grain & Delicious
By Sandra Woodruff

Tasty and Healthy across the board5
This book consists of all whole grain bread machine recipes. The first part goes into detail about all the components necessary to create healthy breads/rolls, etc. in the bread machine. All ingredients are described in an easy to read manner. There are recipes using "ordinary" whole wheat flours. Then there are the recipes using the more exotic flours, such as spelt and kamut. While some of these flours are expensive and sometimes hard to find, I have tried many of the recipes and have never been disappointed. I have purchased the book many times for friends and recommend it highly as a means to increase fiber and grains in products that are very tasty and are created from this easy to understand recipe book.

Fantastic Tasting and Healthy!5
This book has great recipes for wholegrain breads. If you're looking for recipes that avoid white flour and have healthy wholegrains instead, this is the book for you.

For the most part, it is also low sugar, which is why I purchased it. There are a few recipes with honey and molasses, though. My husband has raved about all the breads I've made from this book. It gives recipes for 1 and 1 1/2 pound loaves.

Good for baking with whole grains5
This is a great book for anyone who owns a bread machine and wants to make different types of whole grain breads. I have found many whole grain baking bread books, but none that were specically targeted for the bread machine. This book is made specifically for bread machine bakers, which is great. She explains all the different types of flours, grains, etc. This is very helpful to learn how to make appropriate subsitutions, etc. I really like this book and am looking forward to consuming a wide variety of whole grain breads!

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